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About Tweed Heads

Tweed Heads is the fourth largest city in New
South Wales. Tweed Heads is located on the
Tweed River in north-eastern New South
Wales, Australia, in Tweed Shire. Tweed Heads is
located next to the border with Queensland,
adjacent to the "Twin Town" of Coolangatta, a
suburb of the Gold Coast. Tweed Heads is
often referred to as a town where you can
change time zones – even celebrate New
Year twice within an hour – simply by crossing
the street, due to its proximity to the
Queensland border, and the fact that New
South Wales observes daylight saving
whereas Queensland does not.

Given its closeness to the Gold Coast, Tweed
Heads has a shared economy with Coolangatta
based heavily on tourism.

Tweed Heads' most popular tourist destinations
include Mount Warning, one of the largest
shield volcanoes in the Southern Hemisphere,
and the nearby Nightcap, Border Ranges,
Springbrook and Lamington National
Parks, which abound with sub-tropical fauna
and flora.